- Number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq: 6,614:
- Number of women, in the same period, killed as the result of domestic violence in the US: 11,766
- Number of people per minute who experience intimate partner violence in the U.S.: 24
- Number of workplace violence incidents in the U.S. annually that are the result of current or past intimate partner assaults: 18,700
- Number of women in the U.S. who report intimate partner violence: 1 in 4
- Number of men in the U.S. who report intimate partner violence: 1 in 7*
- Number of women who will experience partner violence worldwide: 1 in 3
- Order of causes of death for European women ages 16-44: domestic violence, cancer, traffic accidents
- Increase in likelihood that a woman will die a violent death if a gun in present in the home: 270 percent
- Number of women killed by spouses who were shot by guns kept by men in the home in France and South Africa: 1 in 3
- Percentage of the 900 million small arms that are kept in the home, worldwide: 75
- Country in which 943 women were killed in honor killings in 2011: Pakistan
- City in which man "butchered" his wife in front of their six children in 2012: Berlin
- States in which man decapitated his wife with a chainsaw in 2010 and another man did the same, respectively: Texas and New York
- Percentages of people killed in the U.S. by an intimate partner: 30 percent of women, 5.3 percent of men.
- Number of gay and bisexual men who experience domestic violence in the U.S.: 2 in 5 (similar to heterosexual women)
- Percentage of the 31 Senate votes cast against the Violence Against Women Act that came from older, white, male Republicans: 95.8
- Percentage of the 31 Senate votes cast against the Violence Against Women Act that came from a younger, male Republicans, at least one of whom sits on the Science Committee but is unable to say how old the Earth is: 4.2
- Number of legal, medical, professional, faith-based and advocacy groups that signed a letter protesting the stripped-down VAWA: 300
- First year that the Republican-led House of Representatives eroded VAWA of provisions designed to increase protections for Native Americans, immigrant women, members of the LGTBQ community and, yes, men: 2012
- Estimated number of children, worldwide, exposed to domestic violence everyday: 10,000,000
- Worldwide, likelihood that a man who grew up in a household with domestic violence grows up to be an abuser: 3 to 4 times more likely than if he hadn't.
- Chance that a girl of high school age in the U.S. experiences violence in a dating relationship: 1 in 3
- Percentage of teen rape and abuse victims who report their assailant as an intimate: 76
- Percentage of U.S. cities citing domestic abuse as the primary cause of homelessness: 50
- Percentage of homeless women reporting domestic abuse: 63
- Percentage of homeless women with children reporting domestic abuse: 92
- Percentage of women with disabilities who report violence: 40
- Annual cost of domestic violence in the U.S. related to health care: $5.8 billion
- Annual cost of domestic violence in the U.S. related to emergency care plus legal costs, police work, lost productivity: 37 billion dollars
- Annual number of jobs lost in the U.S. as a result of intimate partner violence: 32,000
- Percentage change between 1980 and 2008 of women and men killed by intimate partners in the U.S.: (w) 43 percent to 45 percent; (m) 10 percent to 5 percent
- Average cost of emergency care for domestic abuse related incidents for women and men according to the CDC: $948.00 for women, $387 for men
- Increase in portrayals of violence against girls and women on network TV during a five year period ending in 2009: 120 percent
- The number one cause of death for African American women ages 15-34 according to the American Bar Association: homicide at the hands of a partner
- Chance that a lesbian** in the U.S. will experience domestic (not necessarily intimate partner) violence: 50 percent
- Chances that a gay man experiences domestic violence: 2 out of 5*
- Ratio of women shot and killed by a husband or intimate partner compared to the total number of murders of men by strangers using any time of weapon, from 2002 homicide figures: 3X
- Number of people who will be stalked in their lifetimes: 1 in 45 men and 1 in 12 women (broken out: 17 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native women; 8.2 percent of white women, 6.5 pecent of African American women, and 4.5 percent of Asian/Pacific Islander women)
- Percentage of stalkers identified as known to victims: 90.3
- Percentage of abused women in the U.S. who report being strangled by a spouse in the past year: 33 to 47.3 (this abuse often leaves no physical signs)
- According to one study, percentage of domestic abuse victims who are tried to leave after less severe violent and nonviolent instances of abuse: 66 versus less than 25
- Average number of times an abuser hits his spouse before she makes a police report: 35
- No. 1 and No. 2 causes of women's deaths during pregnancy in the U.S.: Domestic homicide and suicide, often tied to abuse
- Number of women killed by spouses who were shot by guns kept by men in the home in the United States: 2 in 3
- Percentage of rape and sexual assault victims under the age of 18 who are raped by a family member: 34
- Number of women killed everyday in the U.S. by a spouse: 3+
- The primary reason cited by right-wing conservatives for objecting to the Violence Against Women Act: To protect the family.
- Percentage reduction in reports of violence after men and women in South Africa went through an educational training program on health, domestic violence and gender norms: 55
- Number of members of Congress who have gone through an educational training program on health, economics, violence, and gender norms: 0
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