Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our Opening Event

Last night was A Night Out, Inc.'s inaugural event and it was a resounding success. We took a group of women from a local residential facility for battered women to a city restaurant where we had a delicious dinner followed by comedian, Jay Harris. The ladies enjoyed dinner and laughed throughout.
While they were enjoying their evening, our team of clinicians and volunteers were looking after their children and a fun time was had by all on that end too. 
It was so heartening to see these women enjoy themselves. That is the reason A Night Out came to exist. The benefits of laughter, social interaction and a respite from one's burdens last beyond the actual event. We will be checking back with our guests and all the groups that follow to track their feelings about their evening out.
We are on our way. Please help us grow. And please check out Jay Harris' website. He was hilarious and very supportive of our cause. We look forward to working with him again and again.


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