Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cecil Williams and the Crowdfunding Phenomenon

You'd have to be living under a rock not to have heard the uplifting story of Cecil Williams and his seeing-eye dog, Orlando. When Mr. Williams fainted the other day and fell from the platform onto the tracks while waiting for a train, his dog went after him. They were both hit by the oncoming train but not seriously hurt. What touched the heart of thousands was the sad aside to the story-Orlando was about to be retired because of his age and insurance wouldn't pay to allow Mr. Williams to keep him. Within 48 hours of the story being aired on the national news, two crowd funding sites-Indiegogo and GoFundMe had raised more than $120,000 on their behalf.
Crowd Funding, for the uninitiated is a fairly new way to raise money for a variety of worthy causes and as you can see, lots of money is raised in small amounts from many donors. Please visit the link below to help us fund our project on Global Giving.!&utm_campaign=project-approved&

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